My Story

Welcome to BJ Ruffin Stories

My Story

Hello, my name is BJ Ruffin, and I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about myself. I am a hopeless romantic at heart, someone who has experienced the pain of love but refuses to let it diminish my belief in its power. Born and raised in Queens, New York, I have always been captivated by the magic of love and the resilience of the human spirit.

My mother is the source of my inspiration. She loved romance novels, and inspired me to pursue writing later in life. I cared for my mother until she passed away in 2017 but I still feel her presence daily.

One of my greatest passions is spending time at the beach, where I find solace in the rhythmic waves and the vast expanse of the ocean. The beach is my sanctuary, a place where I can reflect, dream, and draw inspiration for my writing. The warm sand between my toes and the salty breeze kissing my skin rejuvenates my spirit, reminding me of the beauty in the world.

Through my writing, I aim to capture the essence of love—the joy, heartbreak and hope it brings. I believe in the power of words, and I strive to create stories that touch readers’ hearts, reminding them that love is worth pursuing despite the scars it may leave behind. My journey as an author is an exploration of the human experience, an endeavor to inspire others to embrace love and all its complexities.

Together, let’s discover the power of love and find solace in the written word. I hope you enjoy reading these stories just as much as I enjoy writing them.

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Address: 13000 S. Tryon St. STE. F #184 Charlotte, NC 28278


Mobile: (704) 780-4356

Read Reviews by My Readers

" Auteur is a monthly book review publication distributed to 400,000 avid readers through subscribing bookstores & public libraries."

Vladimir Nabokov

/ Reporter

" It was a dark night, with only occasional scattered lights, glittering like stars on the plain. It flashed upon me suddenly: they were going to shoot me!"

Savanna Walker

/ Reporter

" Auteur is a monthly book review publication distributed to 400,000 avid readers through subscribing bookstores & public libraries."

Vladimir Nabokov

/ Reporter

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